DCH Shalom

Formula for Forming Human Fraternities

We wrote in the previous Shalom that Pope Francis and Cairo Grand Imam Al-Tayyeb have issued a four-part formula for forming human fraternities. we showed it in the same article. It was also mentioned that Fratelli Tutti is the Pope’s own way of making the formula a living experience.

It is my feeling that Chapter Six on Dialogue in Fratelli Tutti, if lived sincerely and courageously, would make the experience real and praise-worthy, a model of human interreligious behavior.

There is one example of fraternal dialogue which we found effective in the experience of the Bishops-Ulama Conference, but seems nowhere mentioned, either directly or indirectly, in Fratelli Tutti (FT). It cannot be presumed as included in the words, “Culture of dialogue”, Part One of FT. Our BUC model is the fourth level, or way, of interreligious dialogue. The three other levels, indirectly referred to in FT, are dialogue of life, dialogue of social collaboration, dialogue of doctrinal experts, and this fourth level, which we call dialogue of faith experience, is clearly not presumed, even indirectly.

Yet, Vatican media informed the world, without using the word “dialogue”, that Francis had prayed with the Israelite and Palestinian heads of State; he invited them to pray together in the Vatican. He did the same, made a retreat, with the political leaders of Sudan, even humbly kissing their feet, with the Archbishop of Canterbury in assistance, and, of course, the Grand Imam and himself, had prayed together in Abu Dhabi. Yes, it was real sharing of personal faith and prayer! Maybe Pope Francis does not want to call the experience, a dialogue. We respect that.

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