DCH Shalom

More than birds of the air and lilies of the field?

This is from Luke 12:22-32. This is the way Jesus wants to make our faith strong. He compares us, among other things, with the flying wonders of birds above, and the beauty of the flowers on the ground below. How is faith made strong?

We have to know how to look at them. We have to look — behold is better — at the beauty of the flying wonder and the beauty of the colorful display. How? There is a way to do this.

We have to discover the elements of beauty, those visible, those aspects of reality that make us call the thing beautiful. What are they?

In the science of natural beauty, they are proportion or balance, harmony, unity, and order. This dynamics applies to the art of dance, song, rhythm, painting, speech, acting, delivery, weight, shape, length, color, order, unity, etc.

These beauties can be reduced to three categories: truth, goodness, beauty. In the language of the art of theology they are called transcendental realities because they transcend human beauty. They reflect God WHO IS BEAUTY ITSELF, TRUTH ITSELF, GOODNESS ITSELF. Then comes the dynamics of belief. Belief is followed by attraction. Then comes surrender to be possessed and to possess, popularly known as “falling in love”. Belief then results in a relationship. Hence a lover and a beloved. It can happen to humans and God the creator of beauty. Belief in Him is possible through the experience of the beauty of flying birds above and the experience of the beauty of the lilies on the grounds below.

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