DCH Shalom

Pope Francis disappointed?

In number 7 of section Without Borders of Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis writes, “As I was writing this letter, the Covid-19 pandemic unexpectedly erupted, exposing our false securities. Aside from the different ways that various countries responded to the crisis, their inability to work together became quite evident. For all our hyper-connectivity, we witness a fragmentation that made it more difficult to resolve problems that affect us all. Anyone who thinks that the only lesson to be learned was the need to improve what we were already doing, or to refine existing systems and regulations, is denying reality. This sounds he is disappointed. He is not. He continuous with seemingly great hope.

In number 8 of the same section, he expresses hope. “It is my desire that in our time, by acknowledging the dignity of each human person, we can contribute to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to fraternity. Fraternity between all men and women. “. What does this mean as it sounds?

He refers to a time past when men and women really lived as real brothers and sisters united by the common bond of being Human. This was real brotherhood and sisterhood or true fraternity. Then something inhuman happened and began to break or fragment the bond making it impossible to recognize the relationship. It was no longer there. It died. (To be continued)

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