DCH Shalom

“He really knew the heart of Jesus …”?

October 4 is a special day in the liturgical calendar of the Church dedicated to the celebration honoring St. Francis of Assisi. He was the founder of the congregation of Franciscans priests and religious brothers. But he did not become a priest. Why? I don’t exactly know. But I can understand.

But one information I heard could be an explanation closer to the truth.

I was informed — reading it somewhere — that Francis, among those who love Jesus — somehow knew the heart of Jesus! This could be one reason. There might be others. What could this be? The poverty of Jesus!

A poor carpenter is one description we find in the Gospel. There is no need to go deep into history. It is enough to say Jesus was one of them — the poor carpenter’s class.

And how does a carpenter love? We should know Who to ask, and Where.

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