DCH Shalom

Relating to the time of our birth not as a problem but as a mystery

The words, “time of our birth” usually refer to what we call ageing or aging, or another expression, “getting on in years”. More often we relate to it as a problem. The problems are mostly in our physical health, and they are many. Most of these are in the listed result of our blood test like high cholesterol, high sugar, creatinine, etc. Here are also included those we know as psychological, emotional and related problems.

Relating to time of birth as mystery? Yes, we can, and we should. In each of us there is something that is temporal and another thing that is eternal. The mystery is in realm of eternity, that is, in that aspect of reality where there is no time. It is about our soul which is united with God, and therefore is no time, no past or future, there is only the timeless present.

St. Paul refers to this when he says that even if in our “outer nature the body decays, our inner nature” grows deeply, or in other words, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Cor. 4:16) because it is “through God’s mercy that we have this ministry” (2 Cor. 4:1).

These are helpful thoughts during birthday celebrations.

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