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Body Supplements (Part 2)

The most used supplements are 1. Multivitamins, 2. Fish Oil, 3. Calcium, 4. Probiotics, which are taken from the leaves, barks, roots, peelings, skins of plants/fruits. The Food and Drug Administration do not require supplement makers/suppliers to show that their products are safe or more importantly, effective as claimed on TV/Radi0/Newspapers/Social Media, not like prescription and over the counter drugs.

There are 3 kinds of supplements. Those made in the West (U.S., E.U.), East (China, Japan, Korea) and in the Philippines. A western survey show that worldwide sales of supplements get bigger each year because of the 1. Strong placebo effect (people will feel better if they think they’re going to feel better after taking them), 2. Most supplements buyers are usually healthier than the average person, 3. Buyers think that the Food and Drug Office do comprehensive test on them when the truths is, THEY DON’T. More than 71% of American supplement users believe supplements are safe.

Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. (Eucalyptus, cinchona, etc.) The U.S. survey show many take botanical plants, leaves, bark, roots, solid as powder or liquid believing that it will improve or maintain overall help and strengthen the body system. Today, about half of prescription medicine (not supplements) come from plants, microbes and fungi found all over the world. In the West, (U.S., E.U.) prescription drugs to treat cancer and other diseases are Food Drug Administration standardized meaning each dose contains the same quantity of active ingredients. Such standardizations are not required of supplements. This is why anti-cancer supplements may not be safe or effective. Talk to your doctor/dietician before taking supplements.

Four cheap rules to retain your vim, vigor and vitality strengthen your immune system.

  1. 7 to 9 hours of sleep nightly. Afternoon siestas are not enough
  2. Eat nutrient dense food like sardines, salmon, bariles, tangigue, pompano, which supplies Vitamin D, Key for the immune system.
  3. Rehab your diet with superfoods like green leafy vegetables, oranges, boongon, kalamansi, piña all good sources of Vitamin C, which supports the immune system.
  4. No minor vices like smoking, drinking, gambling, womanizing. CAVEAT. I am not a doctor.
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