Parish Youth General Assembly

The Parish Youth Ministry (PYM) of St. Mary of the Perpetual Rosary Parish conducted its first general assembly for all youth/PSBs from the different GKKs last Sunday, June 11, 2023 with the theme “Abundance of the Youth”. The purpose of the activity is to gather the youth of St. Mary Parish, establish Christ-centered friendships and bond, and to inspire them in sharing their God-given talents/gifts to serve God and His Church.

The program started with ice breaker activities followed by an opening prayer. Then, the PYM Core Group and Extended Core Group were introduced. Subsequently, a short talk was conducted by Ms. Blanche Sofia Barimbao, the PYM Assistant Coordinator, about the youth’s abundance in talents. Her talk was anchored in Jesus’ Parable of Talents. She shared that like the master in the story, we are all given by God a significant talent/gift and are called to use those talents/gifts in increasing God’s Kingdom. In relation to the talk, the different ministries/organizations under the Parish Youth Ministry were introduced.

The ministries/organizations are the Parish Disaster Action Response Team (PDART), St. Mary Youth Choir (SMYC), CFC-Youth for Christ, Animators, Altar Servers, Lectors, Commentators, Cantor and Psalmists (LCCP), Media, Formators, Worship, and Service. Representatives for each ministry/organization introduced and explained what their ministry/organization is all about. Then, everyone was given a chance to go to their desired ministry/organization, wherein they could share and improve their talents/gifts. Aside from this, games and activities were given for the youth to create new friendships and for them to have fun as well.

The assembly ended with a closing remark by the PYM Coordinator, Jeazaer Mae Cañedo, and a closing prayer followed. Indeed, everyone went home with a happy and ablazed heart to serve the Lord. This is only the beginning for the youth of St. Mary. More activities and events will take place in the succeeding months wherein the youth can share their unique and talents for God’s greater glory. (Blanche Sofia Barimbao)

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