Mission to Love

This year’s World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis has chosen a theme inspired by the story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, in the Gospel of Luke (cf. 24:13-35): “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” according to www.vatican.va.

Furthermore, the Pope shared that those two disciples were confused and dismayed, but their encounter with Christ in the word and in the breaking of the bread sparked in them the enthusiastic desire to set out again towards Jerusalem and proclaim that the Lord has truly risen. In the Gospel account, we perceive this change in the disciples through a few revealing images: their hearts burned within them as they heard the Scriptures explained by Jesus, their eyes were opened as they recognized him and, ultimately, their feet set out on the way.

Lastly, Pope Francis said that by meditating on these three images, which reflect the journey of all missionary disciples, we can renew our zeal for evangelization.

On another note, we should be thankful to our church and missionary priests for their hard work in spreading the word of God. It is not easy most especially to those who are in other countries and in far flung areas who are doing missionary works beyond their comfort zones. Thus, they need our help through our prayers and our generosity to aid them financially.

As for us, who are believers of the Lord Jesus we can also become a missionary in our own way. In our day-to-day activities in our homes, offices and schools we can be a missionary by showing love and care to others may they be our family, friends or those who are in need. By doing this, we are also sharing God’s love and mercy. Hoping that as we care for others, we will also lead them to believe in God through our acts of love and eventually invite them to participate in the Eucharist.

Below is a Missionary Prayer by Edward O’N. Hoyt that was posted at Catholic Relief Services website.

God of Heaven and Earth,

You have fed me your word
And sent me forth to love and serve.
A missionary, you have called me to be.
Even in my smallness and sin
You chose me to sing the song of your love,
The hymn of your mercy,
The anthem of your justice.

Guide my path, Lord.
Send me among the people you have made,
Whether across the globe or across the street.
Give me the grace to be welcomed in
And the courage to stand out.
May my words compel.
As they invoke your spirit.
May my acts shine
As they demonstrate your faithfulness.

Though I may falter, help me to rise again,
Doing your will always
And when I depart, may they say,
“That one was different.
That one knew the Lord.”


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