editorial laity (Illustration by Glenn Remolador)

Together, let us Sanctify the World

It is said that today we have a crisis of saints. We have never been so secular in history. Decades ago, Vatican II reminded everyone of the universal call to holiness. The laity has the duty to sanctify the world wherever they are. This is not the time to cower in fear in the face of challenges brought about by numerous crises. On the contrary, we have to embrace the world, and have a share of Christ’s suffering when out of love, He died for us. We too should also be a gift to the world as this opens infinite possibilities for others to live a meaningful life which acquires eternal significance. We are the leaven of the world.

The laity is in the middle of the world. We have countless opportunities to tap the potential gifts God has given us for the good of the many. This is how we reciprocate His grace. We have to remember the early Christians were few and persecuted, yet, shedding blood and tears, led to the conversion of the whole Roman Empire.

Let us pray for courage to do battle, and to prepare ourselves, we need to have a good and solid doctrinal background of our Faith, backed up by graces from the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. St. Josemaria Escriva once said, “Apostolate is an overflow of our interior life.” Let us all together overcome evil with the abundance of good. Know that we shall triumph. The Blessed Mother stood at the foot of the Cross. Her Son, conquered the world. Let us not waste time.

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