Sr. Marianne Gorit, OSB

25 Years of Listening and Engaging with God’s Word

In a candid interview at the 25th National Bible Workshop (NBW), Sr. Marianne Gorit, OSB, shared her insights on the event’s profound impact and its ongoing mission to prepare the Word of God for the consumption of today’s youth.

Reflecting on memorable behind-the-scenes experiences, Sr. Marianne emphasized the workshop’s focus on activating the apostolate within individual dioceses. She highlighted the importance of listening to the experiences of other dioceses and adapting their best practices to effectively present to the youth, the Word of God.

When asked about the challenges of this apostolate in today’s digital age, Sr. Marianne acknowledged the pervasive influence of media and technology on young people. However, she remained optimistic about the potential of the NBW to reach youth amidst these distractions. She emphasized the importance of motivating young people to listen and engage with the Word of God, despite the distractions they face.

As the NBW celebrated its 25th anniversary, Sr. Marianne expressed confidence in its enduring impact. She emphasized that the Word of God is eternal and that the workshop’s mission will continue to thrive beyond its jubilee celebration.

In closing, Sr. Marianne encouraged participants to embrace their role as proclaimers of the Word and to take comfort in the presence of the Holy Spirit in their mission. She reminded them that their work is not just a temporary endeavor but an eternal one, guided by the hand of God.

Sr. Marianne’s words serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of the Word of God to transform lives and inspire hope, even in the midst of modern challenges. As the NBW embarks on its next chapter, her message resonates as a call to action for all who seek to nurture youth through the timeless truths found within the pages of Scripture.

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