Day of prayer against human trafficking

A Catholic should know by heart 4 prayers: 1. Our Father 2. Hail Mary, Glory Be, 3. Apostle Creed, 4. the Rosary. A Catholic should pray every day for two reasons: first, to thank the Lord that he and his family are alive; second, to protect him and his family today. Every day should be a day of thanksgiving and prayer for all the wonderful things God has given us. We should be concerned about our neighbors. Recalling the parable of the Good Samaritan, we should do our share to stop human trafficking, be it child labor, sex women, LGBTQ slavery, etc.

Three parties are involved in human trafficking which have been declared by the Church, the United Nations and Non-Government Organizations as evil: The suffering of the victim and his family; the devil’s legion who prey on the sick, the dying, the hungry, the poor, the jobless; the perpetrators who look for victims to sell to moneyed brothel owners. For the victim, the reason us survival. The devil’s legion is moved by greed. The brothel owner is motivated by greed and lust.

By our faith, we should expose human trafficking. If it us happening in our neighborhood, we should tell the barangay officials, the police and NGO’s fighting this evil. We support all Church, NGO and Government programs and activities that are focused on this problem. Ask your parish how you can help, and what you should do to destroy human trafficking. Our prayers and our cooperation can help.

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