Easter Reflection

Easter is foremost of Christianity’s most joyful celebrations. After the suffering Jesus endured, all those closest to Him hid in fear. They have become the next target with no one to protect them. But then, after three days, Jesus returned. His scars remained. Nonetheless, people were joyful along with Him. He was with them once more in a joyous reunion.

This joyfulness may have been mirrored throughout families during Easter, but there are certain instances wherein certain people find it hard to be happy in these occasions. This is particularly true in the youth.

Personally, as fellow youth, we are more exposed to complaints, discontent, cries, and anxiety from our peers or from within ourselves. This is prominent in the schools we attend where just stepping inside the classroom can give us the feeling of dread – dreading the exams, quizzes, and deadlines. Coupled by the events the school adds to the schedule at inconvenient times, it has come to a point where there are some who would sacrifice their energy, social relationships, and even their health. These problems engulf the mind and overexerts the body until only despair remains.

God willing, in this season of Easter, the youth can find it within themselves to see hope. Challenges are not given to make us suffer; it exists to help us learn. It is a test of our resilience and faith. It is not a permanent situation. When the time comes, after all the hardships, the calm will appear after the storm. Until then, have faith. (Leiyan Gudio | ACD Immersionist)

1 Comment
  • Nora Alpetche
    Posted at 18:34h, 03 April Reply

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