Reflect and Reconnect

San Roque Parish Youth Apostolate had a meaningful journey of getting closer to Christ during the Lenten Formation and Recollection 2024 with the theme “Reflect and Reconnect” last February 25, 2024 at the Parish Seminar House, a way of spiritual preparation for the approaching commemoration of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Rev. Junel E. Bustamante, a deacon from the said parish facilitated the event and conducted activities that engaged the participants and helped them learn, reflect and reconnect.

Through the series of activities, the young servants learned to value patience, obedience and trust. In life, we often encounter challenges and uncertainties, but it’s essential to trust in God’s perfect timing. As we journey through life, we may feel uncertain or inexperienced, but we can find guidance from those who have walked this path before us – our elders, parents, GSL’s, priests, and religious mentors.

While the future may seem unclear, we can take comfort in knowing that God is always with us, guiding our steps. By observing and following the teachings of those around us, we can discern what is right and avoid what is wrong.

Even when we cannot see what lies ahead, we can place our trust in God’s unwavering love and providence. He will never abandon us, and if we surrender our worries to Him, He will lead us on the right path.

So, let us embrace each day with faith and hope, knowing that God’s plan for us is always for our ultimate good.
In conclusion, it was a day of experiencing His presence together, journeying closer to Him with each other, fueling the fire within, reflecting and reconnecting to God.

To God be the Glory.

(Jozeil Crodua | San Roque SoCCom)

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