
Surot/bedbugs is different from kuto/hair lice. Surots live in beds, furnitures, especially those made of rattan and wood. We can sleep and sit comfortably if there is no surot.

Last May 2023, France said they have a big surot outbreak. Because of COVID, from 2020 to 2022 France had no tourists. Hotels, resorts from 2020 to 2022 did little cleaning of rooms, towels, blankets etc. so the surot multiplied. France is afraid that no tourist will come for the 2024 June Paris Olympics.

On September 2023 Korea, Taiwan, later Bangkok, Singapore and Hong Kong gave very serious warnings about a possible European surot invasion. 90% of people from Europe going to Asia pass through the air and seaports of Bangkok, Singapore and Hong Kong which are known to be spotless clean and safe. Asian Hotels, Inn, Stores were rattled because Europeans staying in Hotels, Lodges, Inns might have surot in their coats, dresses, pants, bags, underwear, cellphone. Surot might decide to stay in Asian Hotel beds, blankets, towels, slippers, cabinets, pillows, etc. Since November 2023 pest exterminators worldwide increased their rates to 50% more claiming detergents, liquids sprayers costs more.

Asian tourism may lose in 2024 because cruise ships, planes, trains air and seaports will be very strict in hunting for surot hiding/attached/connected/clamped to incoming guests. Electronics, CCTV, drones, A-I, dogs, X-Rays cannot catch, smell, see, taste, feel surot. Personal manual one on one inspection is an obnoxious, dehumanizing, dreary tedious hour wasting system but it’s the only way to avoid itches, mini-bites, bruises, welts.

A Hong Kong biology professor said, bedbugs like warm tropical climates so they love Asia. He also said surot is the world’s most popular blood sucking insect, followed by: 2. Mosquitos, 3. Leeches, 4. Kaliwat ni Dracula who fortunately prefer Europe’s Transylvania mountains only. Bad news. Surots are getting resistant to insecticides and pesticides. Good news, local medicine works, your local herbolario have all kinds of magic herbs, roots, twigs, branches, leaves, flowers, stones, orations, liquids, powders, bones, guaranteed to kill surot but only if you pay in full in cash before the incantations begin. 2020 to 2022 gave us COVID: 2023 to 2024 seems to be the dawning of surot. Call, text, write us about your effective powered packed anti surot formulas. N.A.I.A. need it now.

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