San Roque Parish Malabog Holy Week 2024 (Photo: Jozeil Crodua)

Kanindot nalang gyud mahimong Katoliko

I knew that Holy Week is a moment of pause to commemorate the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus and I’ve been celebrating it for more than two decades and this year, I spent that week through confession, recollection, prayer and reflection.

I guess anyone who lives in the province and left to study in the city can relate to this. Due to the Holy Week, we get to come home to our individual provinces, spend time with family, see churchmates and fellow youth attending the holy week activities, reacquaint with childhood friends, and therefore experience academic break.

I solely feel that way, not until Good Friday came, the moment I heard and understood why it is labeled as “good” when Jesus died and it is because of the reason and the result of His death- He loved us and saved us, a very good reason.

Seeing a huge number of parishioners – little ones, youth and even elder ones attending processions to somehow experience the sacrifice of Jesus; plenty of sinners who travelled a distance – some even have to pass a river, in order to receive the Sacrament of Confession with their humility and acceptance that they are just sinners who need His forgiveness; and witnessing ministries having recollection, where believers are gathered as one to prepare for the commemoration of His death made me once again realize, “Kanindot nalang gyud mahimong Katoliko”.

As I temporarily detached from social media, I had plenty of time listening to His message through people, knowing my spiritual being, digging my faith even deeper which resulted to strengthening my relationship with Him.

With that, I became more in love with the Holy Week. It’s not just about the Holy Week itself; it’s also about how we spend the preceding weeks after reconciling with God and devoting time to deepen our connection with Him.

Holy Week is a chance to fuel the fire of our faith, this week made me realize that knowing Catholicism must be endless, because beyond all you knew, there lies so much beautiful truth in this Catholic Church.

So, let us give value to the idea of digging deeper cause we may know a lot, but there is still so much more that we don’t know, that is how beautiful Catholicism is.

To God be the Glory.

(Jozeil Crodua – San Roque Malabog SoCCom)

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