Category Archives: Truth sets us free

In the story of creation, God created his masterpiece on the sixth day “in the divine image” to have dominion over all other creatures. From the very beginning, God wanted man to cooperate with his plan of creation and salvation, and to be his instrument...

The Word of God has been revealed and enfleshed to us in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus fully imparted the Will of His Father to us and entrusted His Church--“the keys of the kingdom of heaven” to Peter and his successors, the pope, bishop of...

God’s love that surpasses all human bounds, going beyond respecting the rights of each human being, is certain to penetrate the human soul with ‘Magnificent Peace’ which is the fruit of the total giving of self as shown in Jesus’ life and Passion. The soul...

Being learned is indeed impressive, but the real wise men and women are humble seekers of the truth, ever keeping an open mind, realizing that they do not know everything. Some who went to prestigious schools may think that they know everything as they come...