Category Archives: Truth sets us free

Life on earth is a drama in itself where individuals have particular roles to play in relation to the group one belongs to, and as part of the larger plan designed by the Divine Playwriter--God the Creator. Each creature is born into a social group,...

Life is a constant seeking for answers to quests, questions and uncertainties, particularly in relation to the Great Beyond, or to the God of the Universe. Questions have frequently lured the youthful mind on the state of suffering in the world, and why a caring...

Every person has an identity by which he/she is recognized, or belongs to, as an individual and member of a group, starting with the family. The stronger the sense of belonging, the more secure and supportive the person becomes so that all members garner the...

The title is an active reminder and challenge to action, to get out of one’s comfort zone and do the hard work of helping one’s needy neighbor, following the example of the Good Samaritan, of whom Jesus said, “Go and Do the Same” (Lk. 10:37)....

Modern society has called for new structures that develop women’s potential to care, encourage and give life. Such a horizontal structure of relationship entails paradigms that strengthen mutual trust, harmony, cooperation, networking, and community building. These are characteristics of the servant leadership shown by Mary in the...

The angel Gabriel venerates Mary by declaring to her, “Hail, Full of Grace” (Lk. 1:28). The heavenly angel honors the human Mary, for her perfection of grace exceeds that of the angels; the greeting reveals the “immaculate state” of Mother Mary.  The angelic salutation is different from...