Category Archives: Editorial

Migrant workers mean Filipinos who temporarily immigrate to other nations to work. Seafarers are Filipinos working on the ships owned by other nations that travel worldwide. Ships traveling only inside Philippine waters are called Inter Island vessels and their crew are not technically called seafarers...

We have been forewarned decades ago, by scientists, that human activities have been contributing to the acceleration of the warming of the planet. What was supposed to be a slow-motion warming-up of the earth as we are coming from an ice age, now has turned...

The people of Israel awaits the coming of the Messiah as Moses was told by God that a prophet greater than him will come, whom the people should listen to. God revealed himself in the same fashion centuries later as he did with the Israelites...

As we remember today the offering of self for our Filipino missionaries, we must be awakened in our calling to do our share of the mission, and concretely support our missionaries through our prayers and financial support. In the past, we were benefactors of foreign...