Category Archives: Editorial

Most grandparents do not know that July 23 is Grandparents Day. Their days are getting shorter so children, make their lives as pleasant, and as memorable as possible. Remember that 30 years from now you will be in the same spot your parents are in...

The San Pedro Cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop of Davao. He is the captain of the ship. Fittingly, the façade of the Cathedral resembles that of a boat whose integrity is intact in spite of the challenges through time. Onboard is the owner...

“The divine fatherhood is the source of human fatherhood.” (CCC 2214) On June 18, Father’s Day will be celebrated world-wide. Although it is a fairly recent observance in the Philippines (1988), we as a people have long practiced the exhortation of Sirach 7: 27, “with your...

When we work, we strive to put God’s imprint on creation. We make God present in all the affairs of the world. This responsibility is not just for the clergy but for all of us who have been baptized and have thus acquired the priestly...